30 Days of Thanks- Day 26 (Thanksgiving Day)
Today I am thankful for the wonderful day I had today.
It started at 5am and just winding down for the night.
This morning we got up early to put the turkey on so we could eat at 1pm.
My favorite part of putting the turkey on to cook is making the stuffing because it's the best part of the meal.
As the day went on, we cooked more food.
Thanksgiving dinner came together better than I could ever imagined it could.
However, the best part of the day came after we ate.
Sitting around the table talking, laughing, and playing games.
Sitting around the table talking, laughing, and playing games.
My Grandma brought over a game that I thought everyone grew up playing or just knew how to play but I was wrong.
As my older brother, Grandma, and I sat at the table playing LCR (Left Center Right), my younger brother and cousins just sat there watching, trying to figure out what the the game was about.
(If you don't know how to play the game or what it is, I suggest you play it).
Even though not everyone was here today, having those that where here today made me realize just how lucky I am.
How lucky I am to have the family that I have.
How lucky I am that we get to spend holidays together.
How lucky I am that we have a home that everyone can gather in and enjoy time together.
How lucky I am to be able to cook a meal for everyone to enjoy.
And most importantly...
How lucky I am to be here and have the life that I do.
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