30 Days of Thanks- Day 2

To some this may sound crazy. To others, it may not. 
Today I am thankful for Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have all allowed me to stay in touch with family and friends from all over. 
With Facebook, I have been able to reconnect with friends from elementary, middle, and high school who have moved away or with those that I had lost contact with. 
The Internet has made it possible to reconnect and stay connected with teachers who have made an impact on my life.
 I have been able to stay connected with friends I have made in College and have been able to see their dreams come true. 
Social Media has made it possible to stay connected with friends who have been away for long periods of time on trips. 
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have made it possible to keep in touch with family that I probably would not have stayed in touch with as we have grown older. 
Thanks Social Media for helping people stay connected!!


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