26 Things I Have Learned In 26 Years
1) My
universe revolves around me.
To some this
may sound self-centered but it's the truth and I'm not going to apologize for
2) Blood does not mean family and family does
not mean blood.
Some of my
closest friends I consider family. Also, just because we share DNA does not mean we are family.
3) Some
people are meant to be in your life and some are not.
No matter
how much you try or how much you want someone to be in and apart of your life
it may not work out. It can be difficult to understand but meant to be.
4) God has a
plan for you.
6) Success
can be measured by many things.
Success can
be measured by money, job, family, house, or many other things in life. To be
successful, you need to find what success means to you.
7) Wealth is
not measured by how much money you have.
This goes
along with success. Wealth can be defined by different things. You need to find
which definition works for you.
8) My dogs
can be better listeners than most people.
They may
fall asleep while I'm talking to them but I know I can always talk to them.
9) I am in
charge of my happiness.
If I'm not
happy, it's up to me to fix the problem. It's not the responsibility of others
to make you happy.
Celebrate the smallest victories and successes.
11) It's
O.K. to say "No" to people.
From the
simplest question to the largest situation; it's O.K. to say no.
12)Don't let
others tell you what you need in your life.
I'll listen
to your suggestions and reasons why, but ultimately it's my decision of who and
what I need in my life.
13) 99% of
the time the book is better than the movie.
14) Take
time to make memories.
Memories are
some of the greatest things in life. Sometimes they could be the only things
you're left with.
15) It's
O.K. to cut the toxic people out of your life.
16) If
people don't like the way I look it's their problem; not mine.
If you don't
like the way I look; don't look at me. I dress the in a way I feel comfortable.
17) Tattoos
don't define who a person is.
My tattoo is
one of the best decisions I have made. I can't wait to get more.
18) I don't
have to explain myself to anyone.
19) Cereal
tastes better at night.
happens for a reason.
Things can
be predictable at times and other times not, but it's important to remember
that there is a reason for everything but not always an explanation.
21) Being an adult can be hard and sometimes ice cream is needed for breakfast.
22) No
matter how many times you fail, you have to keep going.
Failure will
always be apart of life, but it's important to keep going.
23) There's
no going back.
24) My hair
color doesn't define who I am.
Every time I
dye my hair a different color, natural or not, I always get asked
"why?" My answer: Because I
wanted to.
25) People
change more often than you think.
26) Forgive
but don't forget.
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