Sadness of September

The month of September is a very emotional month for family and for myself. September brings birthdays, wedding anniversaries, cornfest, and anniversaries of the passing of my Grandpa and Grandma. Just as anyone else would say about their own grandparents, my Grandma and Grandpa were two of the greatest people I have ever known. They were full of love for each other and full of love for everyone else. Words can not begin to explain how much we miss them both each and every day. My Grandpa and I summer 2009 I was very lucky to have spent the last month of my grandpa's life with him. I was able to gain a month of memories that I will hold in my heart forever. On September 27, 2013 my family and I got to say our final good-byes to such a wonder man who will forever be in our hearts. My brothers and I with our Grandma. Summer 2013 After my Grandpa passed away, my Grandma moved in with my family. Four days shy of the two year anniversary of my Grandpa's pas...